Category : Alternate Operating Systems - Quarterdeck DesqView, CP/M, etc
Archive   : POLYBOOT.ZIP
Filename : PATCH401.ASM

Output of file : PATCH401.ASM contained in archive : POLYBOOT.ZIP
;* *
;* #MODUL: PATCH401 *
;* *
;* #Aufgabe: Programm zum Patch von DOS 4.01 Systemdateien fr *
;* #Inhalt: *
;* *
;* #Fehlerbehandlung: - *
;* *

bell equ 7
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah
escchr equ 1bh
BYTCNT equ 20

code segment
assume cs:code, ds:code, es:nothing

offs0 label near ;ben”tigt fr Adressberechnungen

org 100h
_main: cld
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov si,80h
mov cl,al
mov ch,0
mov byte ptr [drive],0FFh
patch01: jcxz patch03
dec cx
cmp al,' '
je patch01
cmp al,'z'
ja usage
cmp al,'a'
jb patch02
and al,011011111b
patch02: cmp al,'Z'
ja usage
sub al,'A'
jb usage
cmp byte ptr[drive],0FFh
jne usage
mov byte ptr[drive],al
dec cx
cmp al,':'
je patch01
usage: mov dx,offset [usemsg]
patcherr: mov ah,9
int 21h
mov ax,4C01h
int 21h

nothat: mov dx,offset [nosudr1]
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov dl,byte ptr [drive]
add dl,'A'
mov ah,2
int 21h
mov dx,offset [nosudr2]
jmp patcherr

patch03: cmp byte ptr[drive],0FFh
je usage
mov ah,8
mov dl,80h
int 13h
jnc @F
mov dl,0
@@: int 11h
rol al,1
rol al,1
and al,3
jnz patch04
inc ax
patch04: mov ah,byte ptr[drive]
sub ah,al
ja @F
push ax
mov dx,offset [nohard]
mov ah,9
int 21h
pop ax
mov ah,0
@@: mov byte ptr [hd_nro],ah
add al,dl
cmp byte ptr [drive],al
ja nothat
call testbio
jc noibm
call testdos
jnc patch05
noibm: mov dx,offset [ibmerr]
jmp patcherr
patch05: mov al,byte ptr [drive]
mov bx,offset [buffer]
mov cx,1
mov dx,0 ;read boot sector
int 25h
mov ax,32
mul word ptr[bx+11h]
mov cx,word ptr[bx+0Bh]
add ax,cx
dec ax
div cx
mov word ptr[bioanf],ax
mov al,byte ptr[bx+0Dh]
mov word ptr[dosanf],ax
mov al,byte ptr [bx+10h]
mul word ptr [bx+16h]
add ax,word ptr [bx+0Eh]
add word ptr[bioanf],ax
mov dx,ax
mov cx,1
mov al,byte ptr [drive]
int 25h
mov di,bx
mov cx,11
mov si,offset [ibmbio]
rep cmpsb
jnz notboot
lea di,[bx+20h]
mov cx,11
mov si,offset [ibmdos]
rep cmpsb
jz patch06
notboot: mov dx,offset [syserr]
jmp patcherr

patch06: mov ax,word ptr [bx+3Ah]
sub ax,2
mul word ptr [dosanf]
add ax,word ptr [bioanf]
mov word ptr [dosanf],ax

;--- compare sector and file-oriented read bytes

mov ah,0
call openbio
jc notboot
mov ax,word ptr [bioanf]
mov word ptr [cursec],ax
patch07: mov bx,word ptr [handle]
mov cx,12
mov dx,offset [buffer2]
mov ah,3Fh
int 21h
jc susperr
and ax,ax
jz patch08
push ax
call readsec
jc susperr
pop cx
mov si,offset [buffer]
mov di,offset [buffer2]
rep cmpsb
jnz notboot
mov dx,500
mov cx,0
mov bx,word ptr [handle]
mov ax,4201h
int 21h
jnc patch07
susperr: mov dx,offset [interr]
jmp patcherr

patch08: call closefl
mov ax,word ptr [dosanf]
cmp word ptr [cursec],ax
jnc patch09
mov word ptr [cursec],ax
mov ah,0
call opendos
jnc patch07
jmp notboot

patch09: mov byte ptr [buffer2],0
mov ah,0 ;READ ONLY
call openbio
jc susperr
mov si,offset [hd1org]
call testfl
jnc patch10
or byte ptr [buffer2],1
mov ah,0 ;READ ONLY
call openbio
jc susperr
mov si,offset [hd1pat]
call testfl
jnc patch10
jmp noibm
patch10: mov ah,0 ;READ ONLY
call openbio
jc susperr
mov si,offset [hd2org]
call testfl
jnc patch11
or byte ptr [buffer2],2
mov ah,0 ;READ ONLY
call openbio
jc susperr
mov si,offset [hd2pat]
call testfl
jnc patch11
jmp noibm
patch11: mov al,byte ptr [hd_nro]
xor al,byte ptr [buffer2]
jnz patch12
mov dx,offset [nopatch]
jmp patcherr
patch12: mov byte ptr [buffer2],al
mov dx,82h
mov ax,4300h ;GET ATTRIBUTES
int 21h
mov word ptr [cursec],cx
mov dx,82h
mov ax,4301h ;SET ATTRIBUTES
int 21h
mov ah,2 ;READ/WRITE
call openbio
test byte ptr [buffer2],1
jz patch14
mov si,offset [hd1org]
test byte ptr [hd_nro],1
jz patch13
mov si,offset [hd1pat]
patch13: call patcher
jnc patch14
jmp susperr
patch14: test byte ptr [buffer2],2
jz patch16
mov si,offset [hd2org]
test byte ptr [hd_nro],2
jz patch15
mov si,offset [hd2pat]
patch15: call patcher
jnc patch16
jmp susperr
patch16: call closefl
mov cx,word ptr [cursec]
mov dx,82h
mov ax,4301h ;SET ATTRIBUTES
int 21h
mov dx,offset [succmsg]
mov ah,9
int 21h
exit: mov ax,4C00h
int 21h

; READSEC: Liest Sektor (in CURSEC) in Buffer ein.
readsec: mov al,byte ptr [drive]
mov bx,offset [buffer]
mov cx,1
mov dx,word ptr [cursec]
int 25h
jc endrsec
inc word ptr [cursec]
endrsec: ret

; TESTXXX: Testet IBMBIO und IBMDOS auf Version 4.01

testbio: mov ah,0 ; READ-ONLY
call openbio
mov si,offset [biocmp]
jmp testfl
testdos: mov ah,0 ; READ-ONLY
call opendos
mov si,offset [doscmp]
testfl: jc teste2
mov dx,ax
mov cx,0
mov bx,word ptr [handle]
mov ax,4200h
int 21h
jc teste1
mov cx,word ptr[si]
mov dx,offset [buffer]
mov ah,3Fh
int 21h
jc teste1
mov cx,ax
cmp ax,cx
jne teste1
mov di,offset [buffer]
rep cmpsb
jnz teste1
call closefl

teste1: call closefl
teste2: stc


openbio: mov si,offset [biopath]
jmp openfl
opendos: mov si,offset [dospath]
openfl: mov di,84h
openfl1: lodsb
and al,al
jnz openfl1
mov dx,82h
mov al,ah
mov ah,3Dh
int 21h
jc openex
mov word ptr [handle],ax
openex: ret


closefl: mov bx,word ptr [handle]
mov ah,3Eh

; PATCHER: Fhrt Patch durch

patcher: lodsw
mov dx,ax
mov cx,0
mov bx,word ptr [handle]
mov ax,4200h
int 21h
jc patche1
mov cx,word ptr[si]
lea dx,[si+2]
mov ah,40h
int 21h
jc patche1
cmp ax,word ptr [si]
je patche2
patche1: stc
patche2: ret

; Datenbereich fuer PATCH

usemsg: DB 'USAGE: PATCH401 d:',0Dh,0Ah,0Ah
DB 'Drive d: must be a physical harddisc drive or Floppy Disk',0Dh,0Ah,24h
nohard: DB 'This is not a harddisc drive - patching reversed for Floppy boot',0Dh,0Ah,24h
nosudr1: DB 'Drive $'
nosudr2: DB ': is not a physical harddisc drive',0Dh,0Ah,24h
syserr: DB 'DOS is not bootable (not transferred by SYS)',0Dh,0Ah,24h
ibmerr: DB 'DOS is not IBM PC-DOS 4.01',0Dh,0Ah,24h
nopatch: DB 'Patch already made, no further patch necessary !',0Dh,0Ah,24h
interr: DB 'Internal Error - Please Contact Markus Noller, W. Germany (07191) 59110 !',0Dh,0Ah,24h
succmsg: DB 'PC-DOS 4.01 successfully patched',0Dh,0Ah,24h

ibmbio: DB 'IBMBIO COM'
ibmdos: DB 'IBMDOS COM'

biopath: DB '\IBMBIO.COM',0
dospath: DB '\IBMDOS.COM',0

biocmp: DW 08021h ;Offset
DW 07h ;L„nge
DB ' 4.00',0Dh,0Ah

doscmp: DW 08C87h ;Offset
DW 07h ;L„nge
DB ' 4.00',0Dh,0Ah

hd1org: DW 7B49h ;Offset
DW 0Ch ;L„nge

hd1pat: DW 7B49h ;Offset
DW 0Ch ;L„nge

hd2org: DW 36CAh ;Offset
DW 14h ;L„nge
DB 0D0h, 0C0h, 025h, 003h
DB 000h, 075h, 006h, 040h
DB 02Eh, 0FEh, 006h, 0C4h
DB 001h, 040h, 08Ah, 0C8h
DB 0F6h, 0C2h, 080h, 075h

hd2pat: DW 36CAh ;Offset
DW 14h ;L„nge
DB 0D0h, 0C0h, 024h, 003h
DB 075h, 006h, 040h, 02Eh
DB 0FEh, 006h, 0C4h, 001h
DB 040h, 08Ah, 0C8h, 040h
DB 0F6h, 0C2h, 080h, 075h

bioanf: DW 0
dosanf: DW 0
handle: DW 0
cursec: DW 0

drive: DB 0
hd_nro: DB 0

buffer: DB 512 dup (?)
buffer2: DB 12 dup (?)

code ends

end _main

  3 Responses to “Category : Alternate Operating Systems - Quarterdeck DesqView, CP/M, etc
Archive   : POLYBOOT.ZIP
Filename : PATCH401.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: