Category : Alternate Operating Systems - Quarterdeck DesqView, CP/M, etc
Archive   : PCCAPP.ZIP
Filename : VIRTUALP.PS

Output of file : VIRTUALP.PS contained in archive : PCCAPP.ZIP
%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2
%%Creator: idraw
%%DocumentFonts: Helvetica-Bold Helvetica
%%Pages: 1
%%BoundingBox: 5 40 543 722

/arrowHeight 8 def
/arrowWidth 4 def

/IdrawDict 52 dict def
IdrawDict begin

/reencodeISO {
dup dup findfont dup length dict begin
{ 1 index /FID ne { def }{ pop pop } ifelse } forall
/Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def
currentdict end definefont
} def

/ISOLatin1Encoding [
] def
/Helvetica-Bold reencodeISO def
/Helvetica reencodeISO def

/none null def
/numGraphicParameters 17 def
/stringLimit 65535 def

/Begin {
numGraphicParameters dict begin
} def

/End {
} def

/SetB {
dup type /nulltype eq {
false /brushRightArrow idef
false /brushLeftArrow idef
true /brushNone idef
} {
/brushDashOffset idef
/brushDashArray idef
0 ne /brushRightArrow idef
0 ne /brushLeftArrow idef
/brushWidth idef
false /brushNone idef
} ifelse
} def

/SetCFg {
/fgblue idef
/fggreen idef
/fgred idef
} def

/SetCBg {
/bgblue idef
/bggreen idef
/bgred idef
} def

/SetF {
/printSize idef
/printFont idef
} def

/SetP {
dup type /nulltype eq {
pop true /patternNone idef
} {
dup -1 eq {
/patternGrayLevel idef
/patternString idef
} {
/patternGrayLevel idef
} ifelse
false /patternNone idef
} ifelse
} def

/BSpl {
0 begin
n 1 gt {
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 true subspline
n 2 gt {
0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 false subspline
1 1 n 3 sub {
/i exch def
i 1 sub dup i dup i 1 add dup i 2 add dup false subspline
} for
n 3 sub dup n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 2 copy false subspline
} if
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 2 copy 2 copy false subspline
patternNone not brushLeftArrow not brushRightArrow not and and { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup rightarrow
} if
} dup 0 4 dict put def

/Circ {
0 360 arc
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} def

/CBSpl {
0 begin
dup 2 gt {
n 1 sub dup 0 0 1 1 2 2 true subspline
1 1 n 3 sub {
/i exch def
i 1 sub dup i dup i 1 add dup i 2 add dup false subspline
} for
n 3 sub dup n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 0 0 false subspline
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup 0 0 1 1 false subspline
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} {
} ifelse
} dup 0 4 dict put def

/Elli {
0 begin
4 2 roll
0 0 1 0 360 arc
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} dup 0 1 dict put def

/Line {
0 begin
2 storexyn
x 0 get y 0 get moveto
x 1 get y 1 get lineto
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
0 0 1 1 rightarrow
} dup 0 4 dict put def

/MLine {
0 begin
n 1 gt {
x 0 get y 0 get moveto
1 1 n 1 sub {
/i exch def
x i get y i get lineto
} for
patternNone not brushLeftArrow not brushRightArrow not and and { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
0 0 1 1 leftarrow
n 2 sub dup n 1 sub dup rightarrow
} if
} dup 0 4 dict put def

/Poly {
3 1 roll
-1 add
{ lineto } repeat
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} def

/Rect {
0 begin
/t exch def
/r exch def
/b exch def
/l exch def
l b moveto
l t lineto
r t lineto
r b lineto
patternNone not { ifill } if
brushNone not { istroke } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def

/Text {
} def

/idef {
dup where { pop pop pop } { exch def } ifelse
} def

/ifill {
0 begin
patternGrayLevel -1 ne {
fgred bgred fgred sub patternGrayLevel mul add
fggreen bggreen fggreen sub patternGrayLevel mul add
fgblue bgblue fgblue sub patternGrayLevel mul add setrgbcolor
} {
originalCTM setmatrix
pathbbox /t exch def /r exch def /b exch def /l exch def
/w r l sub ceiling cvi def
/h t b sub ceiling cvi def
/imageByteWidth w 8 div ceiling cvi def
/imageHeight h def
bgred bggreen bgblue setrgbcolor
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
w 0 gt h 0 gt and {
l b translate w h scale
w h true [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { patternproc } imagemask
} if
} ifelse
} dup 0 8 dict put def

/istroke {
brushDashOffset -1 eq {
[] 0 setdash
1 setgray
} {
brushDashArray brushDashOffset setdash
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
} ifelse
brushWidth setlinewidth
originalCTM setmatrix
} def

/ishow {
0 begin
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
/fontDict printFont printSize scalefont dup setfont def
/descender fontDict begin 0 [FontBBox] 1 get FontMatrix end
transform exch pop def
/vertoffset 1 printSize sub descender sub def {
0 vertoffset moveto show
/vertoffset vertoffset printSize sub def
} forall
} dup 0 3 dict put def
/patternproc {
0 begin
/patternByteLength patternString length def
/patternHeight patternByteLength 8 mul sqrt cvi def
/patternWidth patternHeight def
/patternByteWidth patternWidth 8 idiv def
/imageByteMaxLength imageByteWidth imageHeight mul
stringLimit patternByteWidth sub min def
/imageMaxHeight imageByteMaxLength imageByteWidth idiv patternHeight idiv
patternHeight mul patternHeight max def
/imageHeight imageHeight imageMaxHeight sub store
/imageString imageByteWidth imageMaxHeight mul patternByteWidth add string def
0 1 imageMaxHeight 1 sub {
/y exch def
/patternRow y patternByteWidth mul patternByteLength mod def
/patternRowString patternString patternRow patternByteWidth getinterval def
/imageRow y imageByteWidth mul def
0 patternByteWidth imageByteWidth 1 sub {
/x exch def
imageString imageRow x add patternRowString putinterval
} for
} for
} dup 0 12 dict put def

/min {
dup 3 2 roll dup 4 3 roll lt { exch } if pop
} def

/max {
dup 3 2 roll dup 4 3 roll gt { exch } if pop
} def

/midpoint {
0 begin
/y1 exch def
/x1 exch def
/y0 exch def
/x0 exch def
x0 x1 add 2 div
y0 y1 add 2 div
} dup 0 4 dict put def

/thirdpoint {
0 begin
/y1 exch def
/x1 exch def
/y0 exch def
/x0 exch def
x0 2 mul x1 add 3 div
y0 2 mul y1 add 3 div
} dup 0 4 dict put def

/subspline {
0 begin
/movetoNeeded exch def
y exch get /y3 exch def
x exch get /x3 exch def
y exch get /y2 exch def
x exch get /x2 exch def
y exch get /y1 exch def
x exch get /x1 exch def
y exch get /y0 exch def
x exch get /x0 exch def
x1 y1 x2 y2 thirdpoint
/p1y exch def
/p1x exch def
x2 y2 x1 y1 thirdpoint
/p2y exch def
/p2x exch def
x1 y1 x0 y0 thirdpoint
p1x p1y midpoint
/p0y exch def
/p0x exch def
x2 y2 x3 y3 thirdpoint
p2x p2y midpoint
/p3y exch def
/p3x exch def
movetoNeeded { p0x p0y moveto } if
p1x p1y p2x p2y p3x p3y curveto
} dup 0 17 dict put def

/storexyn {
/n exch def
/y n array def
/x n array def
n 1 sub -1 0 {
/i exch def
y i 3 2 roll put
x i 3 2 roll put
} for
} def

/SSten {
fgred fggreen fgblue setrgbcolor
dup true exch 1 0 0 -1 0 6 -1 roll matrix astore
} def

/FSten {
dup 3 -1 roll dup 4 1 roll exch
0 0 moveto
dup 0 exch lineto
exch dup 3 1 roll exch lineto
0 lineto
bgred bggreen bgblue setrgbcolor
} def

/Rast {
exch dup 3 1 roll 1 0 0 -1 0 6 -1 roll matrix astore
} def


/arrowhead {
0 begin
transform originalCTM itransform
/taily exch def
/tailx exch def
transform originalCTM itransform
/tipy exch def
/tipx exch def
/dy tipy taily sub def
/dx tipx tailx sub def
/angle dx 0 ne dy 0 ne or { dy dx atan } { 90 } ifelse def
originalCTM setmatrix
tipx tipy translate
angle rotate
arrowHeight neg arrowWidth 2 div moveto
0 0 lineto
arrowHeight neg arrowWidth 2 div neg lineto
patternNone not {
originalCTM setmatrix
/padtip arrowHeight 2 exp 0.25 arrowWidth 2 exp mul add sqrt brushWidth mul
arrowWidth div def
/padtail brushWidth 2 div def
tipx tipy translate
angle rotate
padtip 0 translate
arrowHeight padtip add padtail add arrowHeight div dup scale
} if
brushNone not {
originalCTM setmatrix
tipx tipy translate
angle rotate
} if
} dup 0 9 dict put def

/arrowheadpath {
arrowHeight neg arrowWidth 2 div moveto
0 0 lineto
arrowHeight neg arrowWidth 2 div neg lineto
} def

/leftarrow {
0 begin
y exch get /taily exch def
x exch get /tailx exch def
y exch get /tipy exch def
x exch get /tipx exch def
brushLeftArrow { tipx tipy tailx taily arrowhead } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def

/rightarrow {
0 begin
y exch get /tipy exch def
x exch get /tipx exch def
y exch get /taily exch def
x exch get /tailx exch def
brushRightArrow { tipx tipy tailx taily arrowhead } if
} dup 0 4 dict put def


%I Idraw 10 Grid 8 8

%%Page: 1 1

%I b u
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%I cbg u
%I f u
%I p u
%I t
[ 0.659941 0 0 0.659941 0 0 ] concat
/originalCTM matrix currentmatrix def

Begin %I Pict
%I b u
%I cfg u
%I cbg u
%I f u
%I p u
%I t
[ 0.824578 0 0 0.824578 -175.445 -23.049 ] concat

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.300000 0.300000 0.300000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 258.5 358 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.332000 0.332000 0.332000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 257 328.5 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
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%I cfg LtGray
0.364000 0.364000 0.364000 SetCFg
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1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 256.5 312.5 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
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%I cfg LtGray
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1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
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[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 256 296.5 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
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%I cfg LtGray
0.428000 0.428000 0.428000 SetCFg
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1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 253.5 280 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
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%I cfg LtGray
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1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 252 263.5 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
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%I cfg LtGray
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%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 251 248.5 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.524000 0.524000 0.524000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 251 233 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.556000 0.556000 0.556000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 249.5 217.5 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.588000 0.588000 0.588000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 247 201.5 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.620000 0.620000 0.620000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 243 182 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.652000 0.652000 0.652000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 241 165 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.684000 0.684000 0.684000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 237.5 146.5 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.716000 0.716000 0.716000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 268.5 162 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.748000 0.748000 0.748000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 275.5 153.5 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.780000 0.780000 0.780000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 283 145 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.812000 0.812000 0.812000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 291 137.5 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.844000 0.844000 0.844000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 298 129 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.876000 0.876000 0.876000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 306 120.5 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.908000 0.908000 0.908000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 313 111.5 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.940000 0.940000 0.940000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 320.5 103.5 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.972000 0.972000 0.972000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 327 95 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 334.5 87 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 340.5 78.5 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 349 70.5 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 357 64.5 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 364.5 57 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 373.5 50 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 384 44.5 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 395.5 39 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.5 -0 -0 0.5 408 36 ] concat
%I 4
2 292
559 824
652 737
39 140
4 Poly

Begin %I Rect
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg White
1 1 1 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.704812 -0 -0 0.880212 111.607 174.698 ] concat
242 411 687 676 Rect

Begin %I Rect
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg White
1 1 1 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 0.985075 -0 -0 1.10713 51.1119 19.5384 ] concat
177 177 242 474 Rect

Begin %I Rect
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg White
1 1 1 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 -0 -0 1 44.5 21.5 ] concat
242 82 593 277 Rect

Begin %I Rect
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg White
1 1 1 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t
[ 1 -0 -0 1 49.5 32.5 ] concat
490 232 686 513 Rect

End %I eop

Begin %I Text
%I cfg White
1 1 1 SetCFg
%I f -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Helvetica-Bold 14 SetF
%I t
[ 8.61841 0 0 12.7191 64.4289 403.472 ] concat
] Text

Begin %I Pict
%I b u
%I cfg u
%I cbg u
%I f u
%I p u
%I t
[ 0.590656 0 0 0.590656 109.449 -72.9931 ] concat

Begin %I Pict
%I b u
%I cfg u
%I cbg u
%I f u
%I p u
%I t
[ 6.12303e-17 -1 1 6.12303e-17 3.5 832.5 ] concat

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 4
212 222
142 292
141 306
212 236
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
212 221
221 228
212 236
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 6
221 228
212 236
212 274
306 274
310 263
221 263
6 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
310 263
306 274
316 270
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 4
133 302
143 292
141 306
133 302
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
133 302
133 310
141 306
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
221 384
221 358
212 376
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
212 376
212 390
221 384
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 5
133 310
142 306
212 376
212 390
133 310
5 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
389 358
393 348
399 354
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 6
389 358
399 354
399 443
433 443
425 452
389 452
6 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
425 452
433 443
439 452
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 4
355 523
425 452
439 452
372 519
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
355 523
359 531
372 519
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
355 522
350 531
359 531
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
285 452
277 443
297 443
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
285 452
270 452
277 443
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 5
270 452
285 452
355 522
351 531
270 452
5 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 4
286 161
296 138
353 82
357 90
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
353 82
362 82
357 90
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 4
362 82
357 91
427 161
441 161
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
441 161
427 161
435 170
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 6
434 170
427 161
389 161
389 255
400 244
400 170
6 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 7
406 273
416 263
491 263
491 229
500 237
500 273
406 273
7 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
491 229
500 223
500 237
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 4
500 223
500 237
571 307
579 303
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
579 303
570 307
579 312
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 4
500 377
570 307
579 312
531 359
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
273 161
295 139
287 161
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
287 161
273 161
279 170
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 7
287 161
279 170
313 170
313 259
323 255
323 161
287 161
7 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
323 255
313 259
319 265
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 4
389 255
323 255
320 265
394 265
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
389 255
400 244
400 259
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
400 259
394 264
389 255
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
416 263
402 263
406 273
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
402 263
396 269
406 273
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 4
406 273
396 269
396 343
406 339
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
406 339
396 343
402 350
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 6
406 339
402 350
491 350
491 385
500 377
500 339
6 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
491 385
500 377
500 391
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
500 391
500 377
531 360
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 6
230 340
224 350
221 350
221 358
212 376
212 340
6 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 4
316 270
306 274
306 340
316 328
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 6
285 452
297 443
312 443
312 434
323 426
323 452
6 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 4
323 358
333 348
392 348
389 358
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 4
230 340
225 350
310 350
306 340
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 4
312 354
323 358
323 426
312 434
4 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
306 340
316 343
310 350
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
307 340
316 327
316 343
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
312 354
319 348
323 358
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 3
323 358
319 348
332 348
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 28
348 468
365 460
365 460
369 462
373 465
377 469
379 473
381 478
381 483
381 488
379 493
378 493
378 493
364 498
364 498
365 497
368 495
370 491
372 487
372 483
372 478
370 474
367 471
364 468
360 466
355 466
351 466
347 468
28 Poly

Begin %I Poly
none SetB %I b n
%I cfg LtGray
0.764706 0.764706 0.764706 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
%I p
0 SetP
%I t u
%I 42
359 499
378 493
379 493
376 498
373 502
369 505
364 508
358 509
353 509
348 508
343 506
339 503
335 499
332 495
330 490
330 484
330 479
332 474
334 469
338 465
342 462
347 460
352 458
357 458
363 459
365 460
364 460
347 468
347 468
346 469
343 471
340 475
339 479
338 483
339 488
341 492
343 495
347 498
351 500
355 500
360 500
364 498
42 Poly

End %I eop

End %I eop

Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Helvetica 14 SetF
%I t
[ 4.51025 0 0 4.51025 434.022 225.78 ] concat
] Text

Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Helvetica 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1.49315 0 0 1.49315 438.806 166.949 ] concat
(Object-Oriented Operating System)
] Text

Begin %I Rect
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 3.02013 -0 -0 3.02013 -99.6644 -196.309 ] concat
197 243 305 389 Rect

Begin %I Rect
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 3.02013 -0 -0 3.02013 -498.322 -199.329 ] concat
197 243 305 389 Rect

Begin %I Rect
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 3.02013 -0 -0 3.02013 -147.987 -181.208 ] concat
213 398 321 422 Rect

Begin %I Rect
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 3.02013 -0 -0 3.02013 -147.987 -780.704 ] concat
213 398 321 422 Rect

Begin %I Rect
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 1.48531 -0 -0 2.08144 316.05 46.8528 ] concat
142 401 323 436 Rect

Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 1.51007 -0 -0 1.51007 81.5436 295.973 ] concat
11 411 226 411 Line
%I 1

Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 1.51007 -0 -0 1.51007 81.5436 237.081 ] concat
11 411 226 411 Line
%I 1

Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 1.51007 -0 -0 1.51007 80.0335 -28.6913 ] concat
11 411 226 411 Line
%I 1

Begin %I Poly
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 2.17811 -0 -0 2.17811 116.291 68.6802 ] concat
%I 3
221 360
194 325
249 325
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 2.17811 -0 -0 2.17811 243.137 -46.0851 ] concat
%I 3
221 360
194 325
249 325
3 Poly

Begin %I Poly
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 2.17811 -0 -0 2.17811 116.291 -138.199 ] concat
%I 3
221 360
194 325
249 325
3 Poly

Begin %I Elli
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 1.51007 -0 -0 1.51007 -49.8322 289.933 ] concat
151 336 47 26 Elli

Begin %I Elli
%I b 65535
1 0 0 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 1.51007 -0 -0 1.51007 61.9127 141.946 ] concat
151 336 47 26 Elli

Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
0 0 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 0.755033 -0 -0 0.755033 111.745 493.792 ] concat
87 342 87 92 Line
%I 2

Begin %I Line
%I b 65535
0 0 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 0.755033 -0 -0 0.755033 90.604 489.262 ] concat
266 150 266 92 Line
%I 2

Begin %I BSpl
%I b 65535
0 0 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 1.51007 -0 -0 1.51007 -40.7718 294.463 ] concat
%I 4
153 179
153 246
214 325
209 425
4 BSpl
%I 1

Begin %I BSpl
%I b 65535
0 0 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 1.51007 -0 -0 1.51007 -43.7919 294.463 ] concat
%I 4
233 177
234 188
288 215
286 387
4 BSpl
%I 1

Begin %I BSpl
%I b 65535
0 0 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 0.755033 -0 -0 0.755033 120.805 545.134 ] concat
%I 4
272 22
274 44
382 98
378 514
4 BSpl
%I 2

Begin %I BSpl
%I b 65535
0 0 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 0.755033 -0 -0 0.755033 500.587 736.913 ] concat
%I 3
187 397
220 349
193 295
3 BSpl
%I 2

Begin %I BSpl
%I b 65535
0 0 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 0.755033 -0 -0 0.755033 500.587 338.255 ] concat
%I 3
132 186
103 233
128 297
3 BSpl
%I 2

Begin %I BSpl
%I b 65535
0 0 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 0.755033 -0 -0 0.755033 349.58 338.255 ] concat
%I 3
285 364
154 424
21 414
3 BSpl
%I 2

Begin %I BSpl
%I b 65535
0 0 1 [] 0 SetB
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I cbg White
1 1 1 SetCBg
none SetP %I p n
%I t
[ 1.51007 -0 -0 1.51007 159.312 338.255 ] concat
%I 4
241 384
196 384
184 303
64 304
4 BSpl
%I 1

Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
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Helvetica 12 SetF
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[ 1 0 0 1 267.57 659.695 ] concat
] Text

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0 0 0 SetCFg
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Helvetica 12 SetF
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[ 1 0 0 1 279.02 643.164 ] concat
] Text

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Helvetica 12 SetF
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[ 1 0 0 1 572.654 819.225 ] concat
] Text

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[ 1 0 0 1 576.919 805.45 ] concat
] Text

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[ 1 0 0 1 577.185 790.715 ] concat
] Text

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[ 1 0 0 1 152.805 812.966 ] concat
] Text

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[ 1 0 0 1 164.255 796.436 ] concat
] Text

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[ 1 0 0 1 571.144 610.836 ] concat
] Text

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[ 1 0 0 1 575.409 597.06 ] concat
] Text

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[ 1 0 0 1 575.675 582.326 ] concat
] Text

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[ 1 0 0 1 698.745 702.95 ] concat
] Text

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[ 1 0 0 1 703.01 689.174 ] concat
] Text

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[ 1 0 0 1 703.275 674.44 ] concat
] Text

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%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 616.916 1060.67 ] concat
] Text

Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Helvetica 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 599.936 924.02 ] concat
] Text

Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Helvetica 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 625.876 462.205 ] concat
] Text

Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Helvetica 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 200.446 564.02 ] concat
(Interrupt Vectors)
] Text

Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Helvetica 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 245.671 891.96 ] concat
] Text

Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Helvetica 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 243.956 953.144 ] concat
] Text

Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Helvetica 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 757.366 578.94 ] concat
] Text

Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Helvetica 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 762.326 561.94 ] concat
] Text

Begin %I Text
%I cfg Black
0 0 0 SetCFg
%I f -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Helvetica 14 SetF
%I t
[ 1 0 0 1 227.02 513.94 ] concat
] Text

End %I eop




  3 Responses to “Category : Alternate Operating Systems - Quarterdeck DesqView, CP/M, etc
Archive   : PCCAPP.ZIP
Filename : VIRTUALP.PS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: