Category : Alternate Operating Systems - Quarterdeck DesqView, CP/M, etc
Archive   : PCCAPP.ZIP
Filename : MAKEFILE

Output of file : MAKEFILE contained in archive : PCCAPP.ZIP
## Declare the start module and libraries to be linked with all applications.
START = ../lib/sysint/crt0.o
LIBS = ../lib/libPCC.a /djgpp/lib/libC.a

## How to compile a .cc file into a .o file.
gcc @cc2o.rsp $*.cc

## How to compile a .cc file into a .s file (for debugging).
gcc -S @cc2o.rsp $*.cc

## Default rule to compile all applications. Specify all the targets to
## be generated by default.
all: test Chocs banner cd count demo dos erecv esend ether flash hello \
ipcClient ipcServer kindred logo ls monitor sleep worms \
sample1 sample2 sample3 sample4 sample5 type1 type2

## Below are the rules to compile each application. o2out.rsp is a
## response file containing options for the ld command to produce
## PC-Choices executables.

test: test.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o test $(START) test.o $(LIBS)

Chocs: Chocs.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o Chocs $(START) Chocs.o $(LIBS)

banner: banner.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o banner $(START) banner.o $(LIBS)

cd: cd.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o cd $(START) cd.o $(LIBS)

count: count.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o count $(START) count.o $(LIBS)

demo: demo.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o demo $(START) demo.o $(LIBS)

dos: dos.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o dos $(START) dos.o $(LIBS)

esend: esend.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o esend $(START) esend.o $(LIBS)

erecv: erecv.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o erecv $(START) erecv.o $(LIBS)

ether: ether.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o ether $(START) ether.o $(LIBS)

flash: flash.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o flash $(START) flash.o $(LIBS)

hello: hello.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o hello $(START) hello.o $(LIBS)

ipcClient: ipcClient.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o ipcClient $(START) ipcClient.o $(LIBS)

ipcServer: ipcServer.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o ipcServer $(START) ipcServer.o $(LIBS)

kindred: kindred.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o kindred $(START) kindred.o $(LIBS)

logo: logo.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o logo $(START) logo.o $(LIBS)

ls: ls.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o ls $(START) ls.o $(LIBS)

monitor: monitor.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o monitor $(START) monitor.o $(LIBS)

sleep: sleep.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o sleep $(START) sleep.o $(LIBS)

worms: worms.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o worms $(START) worms.o $(LIBS)

sample1: sample1.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o sample1 $(START) sample1.o $(LIBS)

sample2: sample2.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o sample2 $(START) sample2.o $(LIBS)

sample3: sample3.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o sample3 $(START) sample3.o $(LIBS)

sample4: sample4.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o sample4 $(START) sample4.o $(LIBS)

sample5: sample5.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o sample5 $(START) sample5.o $(LIBS)

type1: type1.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o type1 $(START) type1.o $(LIBS)

type2: type2.o $(LIBS)
ld @o2out.rsp -o type2 $(START) type2.o $(LIBS)

all: loadcoff.exe

loadcoff.exe: loadcoff.obj load_mem.obj minicoff.obj config.obj boot.obj getopt.obj
tlink /3 \tc\lib\c0l.obj loadcoff.obj load_mem.obj minicoff.obj config.obj boot.obj getopt.obj, loadcoff, loadcoff, \tc\lib\cl.lib

tcc -c -ml -P $*.c

tasm /la $*.asm

loadcoff.obj: loadcoff.c loadcoff.h minicoff.h getopt.h
minicoff.obj: minicoff.c minicoff.h
load_mem.obj: load_mem.c loadcoff.h minicoff.h
config.obj: config.c pcconfig.h
getopt.obj: getopt.c getopt.h

  3 Responses to “Category : Alternate Operating Systems - Quarterdeck DesqView, CP/M, etc
Archive   : PCCAPP.ZIP
Filename : MAKEFILE

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: