Category : Alternate Operating Systems - Quarterdeck DesqView, CP/M, etc
Archive   : PCCAPP.ZIP
Filename : CONFIG

Output of file : CONFIG contained in archive : PCCAPP.ZIP
## This is the PC-Choices configuration file. The kernel parameters are set
## to the values specified in this file when it boots.
## Each line in this file should either be a blank line, a comment line
## beginning with "#", or a line of the form PARM=VALUE, which specifies
## the value of a parameter. Parameter values are either Boolean or numeric.
## Valid Boolean values are "yes" and "no". Numeric values may be decimal,
## hexadecimal (indicated by a leading "0x"), or octal (indicated by a leading
## "0"). Lines specifying parameters may be arranged in any order.

## Memory Usage
## MaxLowMemory is the amount of low memory (ie. in the lower 640K) in K bytes
## to be allocated to PC-Choices. PC-Choices uses low memory for storing
## arguments for DOS and BIOS calls, and for maintaining information about
## 16-bit processes. Setting this value too low will cause PC-Choices to
## run out of memory when calling DOS and BIOS. Setting this value too high
## will prevent you from running large DOS programs when you spawn a DOS shell
## from PC-Choices (via the "dos" command). If MaxLowMemory is not available
## when the kernel boots, a smaller amount of low memory will be used.
## Default: MaxLowMemory = 200

MaxLowMemory = 200

## KernelWorkingMemorySize is the amount of physical memory in K bytes
## to be allocated as the kernel's working memory. The working memory is
## used for storing Choices objects that are created by the kernel. Setting
## this value too low will cause PC-Choices to run out of memory quickly
## and display the message "Store::alloc(): out of memory". Increasing
## this value will cause the amount of application memory to decrease;
## application memory is needed to store an application's binary image.
## Therefore setting the working memory size too high will prevent you
## from running many applications at the same time. Large applications
## may not run properly. It is recommended that the default value should
## always be used, unless PC-Choices is running on a machine with lots of
## memory (say 16 Megs and above), in which case the working memory size
## should be increased. Default: KernelWorkingMemorySize = 1024

KernelWorkingMemorySize = 1024

## Setting DisplayMemoryUsage to "yes" will cause the kernel to print some
## statistics about its memory allocation (eg. kernel system memory, kernel
## working memory, application memory) when it boots. Default:
## DisplayMemoryAllocation = no

DisplayMemoryAllocation = yes

## Hardware Type
## The keyboard and timer hardware on IBM PS/2 and PS/55 machines require
## special processing which is enabled when the parameters PS2Keyboard and
## PS2Timer are set to "yes". If you use the IBM PS/2, PS/55 or something
## similar, please change these parameters. Default: PS2Keyboard = no,
## PS2Timer = no.
## The technical details: for "PS2Timer = yes", the kernel will
## set bit 7 of the System Control Port B (0x61) after every timer
## interrupt (IRQ0). For "PS2Keyboard = yes", the kernel bootstrapper
## will use System Control Port A (0x92) to enable and disable A20.
## For "PS2Keyboard = no", the kernel bootstrapper will use the keyboard
## controller to toggle A20.

PS2Keyboard = no
PS2Timer = no

## Interrupt Processing
## By default, the PC-Choices kernel handles all interrupts. For optimal
## performance, you may configure the kernel so that it handles those
## interrupts that are absolutely necessary, so that the context switching
## frequency will be reduced. For most non-IBM machines, the following
## setting is optimal: IRQ1 (keyboard), IRQ6 (floppy drive) and IRQ14
## (hard drive) on, all others off.
## The kernel handles an interrupt by switching into 16-bit mode and calling
## the appropriate 16-bit interrupt vector. For N = 1, 2, ..., 15, set
## "IRQNEnabled = yes" if you want IRQ N to be handled by the kernel. IRQ0
## is handled specially by the kernel and is always enabled. Information
## provided below was obtained from Ralf Brown's interrupt list.

## IRQ1 is generated whenever a key is pressed or released on the keyboard.
## Default: IRQ1Enabled = yes.

IRQ1Enabled = yes

## IRQ2 is generated whenever the EGA or VGA card has completed a vertical
## retrace. It is also generated by the Tandy 1000-series hard disk and
## by the Roland MPU MIDI interface. Default: IRQ2Enabled = yes.

IRQ2Enabled = yes

## IRQ3 is used by the serial communications ports COM2 through COM8 for
## PS/2's, and COM2, COM4 for other PCs. Default: IRQ3Enabled = yes.

IRQ3Enabled = yes

## IRQ4 is used by the serial communications ports COM1 (on most machines)
## and COM3 (except PS/2). Default: IRQ4Enabled = yes.

IRQ4Enabled = yes

## IRQ5 is generated by the hard drive on the IBM PC, XT. It's used by
## the LPT2 printer on AT-class PCs. Default: IRQ5Enabled = yes.

IRQ5Enabled = yes

## IRQ6 is generated by the floppy drive controller when a disk operation
## has been completed. Default: IRQ6Enabled = yes.

IRQ6Enabled = yes

## IRQ7 is generated by the LPT1 printer adapter when printer becomes ready,
## but most printer adapters do not reliably generate this interrupt.
## The 8259 interrupt controller generates this interrupt in case of error.
## Default: IRQ7Enabled = yes.

IRQ7Enabled = yes

## IRQ8 is called when the real-time clock chip generates an alarm or
## periodic interrupt, among others. Default: IRQ8Enabled = yes.

IRQ8Enabled = yes

## IRQ9 is redirected to the IRQ2 handler by BIOS. Default: IRQ9Enabled
## = yes.

IRQ9Enabled = yes

## IRQ10 is reserved. Default: IRQ10Enabled = yes.

IRQ10Enabled = yes

## IRQ11 is reserved. Default: IRQ11Enabled = yes.

IRQ11Enabled = yes

## IRQ12 is generated by the pointing device. Default: IRQ12Enabled = yes.

IRQ12Enabled = yes

## IRQ13 is called when a math coprocessor exception occurs. Default:
## IRQ13Enabled = yes.

IRQ13Enabled = yes

## IRQ14 is generated by the hard drive controller. Default:
## IRQ14Enabled = yes.

IRQ14Enabled = yes

## IRQ15 is reserved. Default: IRQ15Enabled = yes.

IRQ15Enabled = yes

  3 Responses to “Category : Alternate Operating Systems - Quarterdeck DesqView, CP/M, etc
Archive   : PCCAPP.ZIP
Filename : CONFIG

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: