Dec 142017
Desqview/X patch to DV.EXE dated 4/27/92 (v1.02) from Quarterdeck BBS.
File DVXP102.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Alternate Operating Systems
Desqview/X patch to DV.EXE dated 4/27/92 (v1.02) from Quarterdeck BBS.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
102102.EXE 76981 43926 deflated
102102.RTP 5669 5509 deflated
PATCH102.BAT 1346 410 deflated
README 880 433 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

Download File DVXP102.ZIP Here

Contents of the README file

DESQview/X Patch for version 1.02 dated 4/27/92

This patchfile implements fixes to DESQview/X version 1.02.
This patch will work ONLY on DESQview/X version 1.02. The
date on the DV.EXE file in your DESQview/X directory should
be 4/27/92. If the date on your DV.EXE file is later than
4/27/92, you do not need this patch.

1) DV/X now supports running Netware utility programs on systems
running Novell's Lan Workplace drivers.

2) Fixes a bug for running on systems whose conventional memory ends at some
place which is not a multiple of 16K (i.e. systems with an Extended BIOS
Data Area which has not been moved).

This patch should be applied by copying 102102.exe, 102102.rtp, and
patch102.bat into your DESQview/X directory, and then typing patch102.

 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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