Dec 122017
DVXACODE.ZIP Database of area codes [US/Canada] and intl. access codes. DESQview/X Specific Application. Directly from QuarterDeck BBS. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
AC-PIF.DVP | 416 | 96 | deflated |
ACI.DAT | 16970 | 8007 | deflated |
DVAC.DOC | 6002 | 1776 | deflated |
DVAC.EXE | 27054 | 12936 | deflated |
DVAC.PLB | 5677 | 2575 | deflated |
TPCREAD.ME | 199 | 165 | deflated |
Download File DVXACODE.ZIP Here
Contents of the DVAC.DOC file
Area Code Internationale 2.0
By Todd Threadgill
Additional Information
I. Introduction
This README file is divided into four sections:
I. Introduction
II. New Features
III. Using the Program
IV. Editing the ACI.DAT file
Most users will find the program's operation easy to understand without reading
this file. However, reading Section IV ("Editing the ACI.DAT file") is highly
recommended to anyone wishing to make revisions to the ACI.DAT data file.
II. New Features
Version 2.0 of Area Code Internationale (ACI) contains two major improvements
over Version 1.0:
* Area code data is no longer part of the .EXE file. A data file named
ACI.DAT contains the data for both USA/Canada and international
codes. This file is in ASCII format and can be easily edited as new
codes appear.
* There are now more ways to look up information. Version 1.0 allowed
users to look up USA/Canada By Code (i.e. users typed in a 3-digit
area code and ACI gave them state/province and city information), and
International By Country (users typed in the country name and ACI
provided code information). Version 2.0 adds the "flip sides" of
these reports: USA/Canada By State/Province and International By
Code. These new capabilities will be described in further detail
later in this file.
III. Using The Program
When ACI starts up, the Main Menu appears:
Area Code Internationale
Version 2.01 (C) 1991
Quarterdeck Office Systems
Find by Code C
Find by Region R
Find by Code F
Find by Region I
Quit Q
FIND BY CODE - if you have a code and are wondering what place is denoted
by that code
FIND BY REGION - to look up codes for a particular state (USA), province
(Canada), or country
Selecting C, R, F, I will bring up a Lookup screen, such as the "USA/Canada By
Code" screen:
Enter Area Code: _
[ESC] - Quit
In the illustration above, the cursor is in the "Enter Area Code" field,
waiting for you to enter an area code. Once an area code is entered, the
results of ACI's search will be displayed as follows:
Enter Area Code: 310
ST/PR: California
Santa Monica
Beverly Hills
Redondo Beach
Long Beach
[ESC] - Quit
The rest of the functions operate in a similar fashion: there is only one place
for you to enter data, and ACI will respond accordingly.
IV. Editing the ACI.DAT file
The ACI.DAT data file is essential to the operation of ACI 2.0. Without the
information in this file, ACI will be unable to provide information about the
area codes you specify. If ACI.DAT is not in the directory that you are running
ACI 2.0 from, ACI will display an error message and abort.
You can edit the ACI.DAT data file using any ASCII text editor. You may wish to
edit the file when new area codes are assigned, or to revise the city listings
for particular codes. For example, the default ACI.DAT file contains the
following cities under the 310 area code:
Santa Monica
Beverly Hills
Redondo Beach
Long Beach
However, you may find it useful to change the cities in this code listing to
reflect the cities you call more often. Perhaps you don't call Beverly Hills
very often, but you call West L.A. all the time. You can easily remove Beverly
Hills from the ACI.DAT and replace it with West L.A.
The default ACI.DAT is self-documenting. Please refer to it for specific
formatting information.
Copyright (C) 1991 by Quarterdeck Office Systems
* * * E N D O F F I L E * * *
By Todd Threadgill
Additional Information
I. Introduction
This README file is divided into four sections:
I. Introduction
II. New Features
III. Using the Program
IV. Editing the ACI.DAT file
Most users will find the program's operation easy to understand without reading
this file. However, reading Section IV ("Editing the ACI.DAT file") is highly
recommended to anyone wishing to make revisions to the ACI.DAT data file.
II. New Features
Version 2.0 of Area Code Internationale (ACI) contains two major improvements
over Version 1.0:
* Area code data is no longer part of the .EXE file. A data file named
ACI.DAT contains the data for both USA/Canada and international
codes. This file is in ASCII format and can be easily edited as new
codes appear.
* There are now more ways to look up information. Version 1.0 allowed
users to look up USA/Canada By Code (i.e. users typed in a 3-digit
area code and ACI gave them state/province and city information), and
International By Country (users typed in the country name and ACI
provided code information). Version 2.0 adds the "flip sides" of
these reports: USA/Canada By State/Province and International By
Code. These new capabilities will be described in further detail
later in this file.
III. Using The Program
When ACI starts up, the Main Menu appears:
Area Code Internationale
Version 2.01 (C) 1991
Quarterdeck Office Systems
Find by Code C
Find by Region R
Find by Code F
Find by Region I
Quit Q
FIND BY CODE - if you have a code and are wondering what place is denoted
by that code
FIND BY REGION - to look up codes for a particular state (USA), province
(Canada), or country
Selecting C, R, F, I will bring up a Lookup screen, such as the "USA/Canada By
Code" screen:
Enter Area Code: _
[ESC] - Quit
In the illustration above, the cursor is in the "Enter Area Code" field,
waiting for you to enter an area code. Once an area code is entered, the
results of ACI's search will be displayed as follows:
Enter Area Code: 310
ST/PR: California
Santa Monica
Beverly Hills
Redondo Beach
Long Beach
[ESC] - Quit
The rest of the functions operate in a similar fashion: there is only one place
for you to enter data, and ACI will respond accordingly.
IV. Editing the ACI.DAT file
The ACI.DAT data file is essential to the operation of ACI 2.0. Without the
information in this file, ACI will be unable to provide information about the
area codes you specify. If ACI.DAT is not in the directory that you are running
ACI 2.0 from, ACI will display an error message and abort.
You can edit the ACI.DAT data file using any ASCII text editor. You may wish to
edit the file when new area codes are assigned, or to revise the city listings
for particular codes. For example, the default ACI.DAT file contains the
following cities under the 310 area code:
Santa Monica
Beverly Hills
Redondo Beach
Long Beach
However, you may find it useful to change the cities in this code listing to
reflect the cities you call more often. Perhaps you don't call Beverly Hills
very often, but you call West L.A. all the time. You can easily remove Beverly
Hills from the ACI.DAT and replace it with West L.A.
The default ACI.DAT is self-documenting. Please refer to it for specific
formatting information.
Copyright (C) 1991 by Quarterdeck Office Systems
* * * E N D O F F I L E * * *
December 12, 2017
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