Dec 142017
DesqView File Manager version 2.2. Excellent program.
File DVTREE22.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Alternate Operating Systems
DesqView File Manager version 2.2. Excellent program.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CREDITS.LST 1681 877 deflated
DEAL.REG 1506 630 deflated
DVQUICK.REF 6075 2328 deflated
DVSCRIP1.ZIP 12294 11452 deflated
DVTREE.DOC 175857 48431 deflated
DVTREE.EXE 58290 36035 deflated
DVTXDI.COM 1947 736 deflated
DVTXDI.ZIP 6319 6126 deflated
INSTALL.DOC 16016 4717 deflated
MANIFEST.O 1250 583 deflated
NOTES22.DOC 9333 3501 deflated
ORDER.FRM 1831 580 deflated
READ.ME 6506 2697 deflated
TL-PIF.DVP 416 93 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated
TS-PIF.DVP 416 114 deflated
TS-SCRIP.DVS 107 44 deflated
TZ-PIF.DVP 416 110 deflated
TZ-SCRIP.DVS 107 44 deflated
UTILITY.ZIP 8801 7704 deflated

Download File DVTREE22.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

DV Tree Version 2.2 (c) 1990-1991 Michael D. Weaver.
DESQview is a trademark of Quarterdeck Office Systems.

The following files should be present in this archive:

DVTREE.EXE - The DV Tree executable program.
INSTALL.DOC - Complete installation instructions for DV Tree.
DVTREE.DOC - The manual, or 'user's guide' for DV Tree.
DVQUICK.REF - A 'quick reference' sheet summarizing options/commands.
NOTES22.DOC - Summary of changes since DV Tree Version 1 (DVTREE19).
READ.ME - This file.
MANIFEST.O - The DV Tree Manifesto
DEAL.REG - A registration deal for DV Tree and DV Task Manager.
ORDER.FRM - A fill-in form to make registration easier.
CREDITS.LST - Recognition of those who've helped DV Tree stay alive.

TS-PIF.DVP - DESQview PIF (Program Information Files) for DV Tree.

TZ-SCRIP.DVS - Script files to auto-load TL-SCRIP.DVS.

UTILITY.ZIP - Grab bag of files for DESQview Functions including
batch files useful in archive management.

DVTXDI.COM - Optional TSR for users running DESQview 2.26 + .
DVTXDI.ZIP - Documentation and supporting files for DVTXDI.COM.

DVSCRIP1.ZIP - An editing aid for DESQview scripts.

***********************!! Important !!**********************************

Although DV Tree 2.2 has been released to shareware primarily to
address a few obscure bugs that escaped testing attention in DV Tree 2.1,
it also contains a few enhancements, some of which you might find useful.
The details HAVE NOT been incorporated into DVTREE.DOC, the main document,
for this release. For details on the latest features, you MUST refer to


DV Tree is 'shareware' written by a computer industry
professional, and the contents of this disk or archive comprise a
copyrighted work. If you continue to use this program after an evaluation
period of 30 days, you should register with the author. Information
regarding how to register is contained the file DVTREE.DOC, and is also
displayed for you at program startup. Please note, however, that the
shareware version of DV Tree is a fully functioning version of the program
and is not 'crippled' in any way.
If you wish, you may print and use the ORDER.FRM file to assist
you in registering.


If you do not currently use an earlier version of DV Tree, please
follow the installation instructions contained in INSTALL.DOC.

To print INSTALL.DOC... type: copy install.doc prn
To print DVTREE.DOC.... type: copy dvtree.doc prn

These documents are preformated for print, but they require your printer
to be set to an 80 column carriage width. PLEASE ensure that your printer
will not force a new line prior to the 80th column, especially before
printing DVTREE.DOC as it is quite long, and we save trees if we only have
to do this once! Also, both docs contain high ASCII or 'IBM graphics'
characters. For best results, you should therefore print on a printer
set up to handle these characters. For a lot of printers, this is
handled via 'dip switch' settings - if you are unsure whether your printer
is IBM graphics-capable, please consult your printer manual.


To upgrade from DV Tree Version 1:

1) Copy the files in this archive to your DV Tree directory, and delete
any old copy of DVTREE.COM.
2) Add the TZ-PIF to DESQview via Add a Program if desired.
3) Change your old PIFs via Change a Program to run DVTREE.EXE instead of
4) Review NOTES22.DOC.
5) Review the new manual - it has been thoroughly expanded and revised,
and new commands and features may be found by doing a text search for

Things you should know:

1) Running version 2 will re-initialize DVTREE.CNF, and the new
configuration file will quite likely cause DV Tree 1.x to crash unless you
either delete DVTREE.CNF, or restore the old version of this file before
running the old version of the program.

2) The hot-key definitions have been moved to a separate file,
DVT_HOT0. If you have a very recent version of DV Tree 1.x, you may
already have hot-key definitions in a file of this name, HOWEVER, DVT_HOT0
files from 1.x are also not compatible with the new program, so you'll
have to redefine any hot keys after bringing up the new version. Your
F-Key definitions, on the other hand, should be okay.

3) DV Tree 2.1 contains many major new features, but one capability
has been lost in this version, that is the ability to run the program in a
DOS window with Writes Directly to Screen set to Y. To any of you who
have used the program in such an environment, I apologize, but the change
was unavoidable with the implementation of the %A code and the resultant
need to run the program effectively in small windows. The new color
customization feature also would not have been possible without this

4) One of the features DV Tree 2.1 does not yet have is an internal
help system. An example for using a LIST F-Key to display the DVQUICK.REF
file was given in earlier manuals, but a better way, I think, is the use
of a DV script to kick off a LIST window with the path to DVQUICK.REF
either 'hard-coded' in the PIF's parameter line, or keyed in by the script
after a short timed delay. The reason this technique is superior is that
it is available when you're confronted with the very non-intuitive input
prompt for entering DV Function startup codes.
A step-by-step example for setting up such a help system is given
in the manual in the section SETTING UP A HELP SYSTEM FOR DV TREE.

5) The ESC key no longer exists split screen (I got tired of
answering 'No, I do not want to exit split screen', and the [-E keystroke
combination is almost as fast.)


 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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