Category : Alternate Operating Systems - Quarterdeck DesqView, CP/M, etc
Archive   : DVCPY101.ZIP
Filename : DVCOPY.DOC
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Version 1.01
DESQview and SHARE aware copy clone
(c) 1991-92, YossiWare Developments. All Rights Reserved.
DVCopy 1.01 DESQview Aware Copy Utility (c) 1991-92, YossiWare
³ 1.0 ³°°° LICENSING, DISTRIBUTING AND WARRANTY °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°³
DVCopy is provided as-is. You may freely use and distribute it,
as long as you do not modify or delete any or all the files
included with the package.
Even though, DVCopy is not a free software. After 21 days you use
it, and know it, you are requested to pay for it. Commercial use
of it is permitted, but requires commercial (or semi-commercial)
registration. The unregistered version of DVCopy is considered
demo version, and has some features disabled. When you register
your copy, you will be able to use these features, if you want.
Any use of DVCopy for making money is considered commercial.
Full commercial registration is needed when you run DVCopy in a
commercial environment (store, company). Semi-commercial
registration is required when you run DVCopy in a non-commercial
environment, but for commercial use.
Please support hours of writing, testing and debugging DVCopy,
by registering. It is your registrations that will keep DVCopy
alive !
The author will not be held liable to you or anyone for any
direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, including
any lost profits, lost savings, which may result from the use or
inability to use DVCopy.
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DVCopy 1.01 DESQview Aware Copy Utility (c) 1991-92, YossiWare
³ 2.0 ³°°° INTRODUCTION °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°³
DVCopy is a clone of the MS-DOS COPY command. It was particularly
designed to be used under DESQview, although it can be used
outside of DESQview as well. When DESQview is detected, DVCopy
will use sophisticated techniques to be both efficient and safe.
Note that it can also be used under local networks, which, like
DESQview, require file sharing routines.
DVCopy is capable of using a floppy drive without causing the
other tasks to almost-freeze. The copy speed will be affected,
of course. The priority DVCopy gives to DESQview is configurable
as "Floppy Protection Level", and is discussed later.
NOTE: The {+} mark specifies the feature will work for
registered users only.
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DVCopy 1.01 DESQview Aware Copy Utility (c) 1991-92, YossiWare
³ 3.0 ³°°° SETTING UP °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°³
DVCopy comes with a generic SETUP utility (DSETUP.EXE). Using
the setup you will be able to have default configuration options
built-in into DVCOPY.EXE, you will be able to print the
registration form, and then, when time comes, install your key.
SETUP is also capable of verifying that your DVCOPY.EXE is indeed
original, and contains no patches or changes in its code.
When running DSETUP, it will need to locate DVCOPY.EXE. In order
to help it locate DVCopy, put DVCOPY.EXE in your current
directory, or in any of your PATH directories.
Once DSETUP was loaded, it will display a menu. Use the cursor
keys to move the highlighter, and [ENTER] to choose. You may
also use your mouse, if a you have one, and a mouse-driver is
The menu options are:
- Sharing Under DESQview.
This will toggle whether or not DVCopy will, on default, attempt
to share files when DESQview is detected. DVCopy will avoid any
sharing if SHARE is not loaded.
- Sharing outside DESQview.
This will toggle whether or not DVCopy will, on default, attempt
to share files when DESQview is not detected. DVCopy will avoid
any sharing if SHARE is not loaded. Usually, this is not needed,
but if you run a Local Network (LAN), you might find it very
- Floppy Protection Level.
This will cycle the protection level which DVCopy will use, when
using floppies. Note that the DVCOPY environment variable will
override this default, if found. Floppies Protection is
discussed later on.
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DVCopy 1.01 DESQview Aware Copy Utility (c) 1991-92, YossiWare
- 4DOS/NDOS Description. {+}
This will toggle the support for 4DOS (and NDOS's)
file-descriptions. If enabled, and 4DOS/NDOS is loaded when
using DVCopy, DVCopy will copy the description of files,
together with the files themselves, just like 4DOS/NDOS would of
- Progress Indicator {+}
This will toggle the use of progress indicator. If enabled,
DVCopy will display the progress of copying, in precent, on the
- Integrity Check DVCOPY.EXE.
This option will check the integrity of DVCOPY.EXE, and will
report if it has been changed. If it reports DVCOPY has been
changed, you might want to get another unmodified copy, as this
one is probably patched, corrupted or even virus-infected.
- Print Registration Form.
This option will print the registration form to printer (PRN).
Use it when you want to register DVCopy. Information about
registering DVCOPY can be found in DVCOPY.REG.
- Install Registration Key.
Use this option after you register DVCopy, once you get your
personal registration key from us. You will be requested to type
in the key you have received. Once the key is installed, you
DVCopy will be registered. Note that there are no extra features
in a registered DVCopy, and no crippled features in a
non-registered DVCopy.
- Clone Changes (Save).
Choose this option after you have changed anything in DVCopy's
config, and you want to burn it into DVCOPY.EXE. This is
required after changing the 3 first options, or after installing
a registration key, if you want to keep the changes.
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DVCopy 1.01 DESQview Aware Copy Utility (c) 1991-92, YossiWare
- Return to DOS.
Will return you to DOS.
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DVCopy 1.01 DESQview Aware Copy Utility (c) 1991-92, YossiWare
³ 3.1 ³°°° USING DVCOPY °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°³
DVCopy is very simple to use. Running it with no command-line
parameters will cause it to display how to use it. Generally,
the command line format is same as MS-DOS's (or 4DOS's) built-in
There are 3 ways to use it:
A) DVCOPY.EXE [Original File Specs] [Destination Drive/Dir]
DVCopy will copy files from [Original File Specs] to the
[Destination Drive/Dir] directory/drive. DVCopy allows
Wildcards to be used.
B) DVCOPY.EXE [Original File Specs]
DVCopy will copy files from [Original File Specs] to the
current drive/directory. DVCopy allows Wildcards to be used.
C) DVCOPY.EXE [Original File Specs] [Destination File Specs]
Copy all files from current directory of drive A to current
Copy *.ASM from D:\TASM to drive A's root.
Copy all files from directory \UTILS\ARCS\ to current directory.
Copy all files from directory \FD\INBOUND\, which begin with 0,
to directory \FD\BACKUP, using file-name PACKET, keeping the
original extension. There are more complicated forms for
wildcarding, and DVCopy supports them all - just like MS-DOS
does. Note that DVCopy does NOT support 4DOS's extended
wildcarding ... Yet.
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DVCopy 1.01 DESQview Aware Copy Utility (c) 1991-92, YossiWare
DVCopy can also recognize switches that are passed through the
command-line, and are used to override the default setup, and/or
to toggle on (or off) other features. All switches are not case
sensitive, and can be placed ANYWHERE on the command line.
DVCopy recognizes and support the following switches:
- Move files, instead of plain copy - [/M] {+}
The /M switch is used to instruct DVCopy to move files.
When files are moved on the same drive, DVCopy will use a "fast
move" option, and won't have to actually read and write the
When files are moved between drives, DVCopy will copy each file,
and once the copying is complete, it will erase the original
Note that if you have 4DOS/NDOS Descriptions support enabled,
DVCopy will also move the description of the file with the file
itself, just like 4DOS would have done.
Move *.ASM from \TASM to \MASM:
Move all files from drive A to drive B:
- Override Floppy Protection - [/n]
Using this switch, you can override the default floppy
protection. "n" stands for the level you wish to use.
Copy C:\CONFIG.SYS to A:\MYCONFIG.SYS, using protection level 1:
Copy F:\*.* D:\TMP\*.BAK, using no protection level:
DVCOPY F:\*.* /0 D:\TMP\*.BAK
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DVCopy 1.01 DESQview Aware Copy Utility (c) 1991-92, YossiWare
³ 3.2 ³°°° REQUIREMENTS °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°³
DVCopy requires the following in order to run correctly:
IBM PC AT 80286, 80386(sx/dx), 80486(sx/dx) or compatible
machine. V20/V30 based machines (XTs) can also be used, but
8088/86 based machines will NOT be able to run DVCopy, or any
other executable included with this archive.
MS-DOS 3.1 or newer. DVCopy will also run on 4DOS, or NDOS, and
can support their file descriptions.
SHARE loaded (optional). If you are using DESQview, it is highly
recommended you load SHARE (will be discussed later). DVCopy will
work with or without SHARE, but will warn if DESQview is used,
and SHARE is not loaded.
DVCopy was tested on V20/V30, 80286, 80386sx, 80386dx and 80486dx
Microprocessors. It was tested under DESQview 2.26 to 2.42, and
QEMM-386 5.12 to 6.02 (Including it stealth technology). It was
tested under MS-DOS 3.30 and 5.00 (Also loaded-high), and under
4DOS 3.02 to 4.00 (Including revision B1). It was, also, tested
on HyperDisk 4.21 to 4.31 (SHAREWARE). No problems occurred
during any of these tests.
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DVCopy 1.01 DESQview Aware Copy Utility (c) 1991-92, YossiWare
³ 4.0 ³°°° FILE SHARING °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°³
When running more than 1 program at the same time, there is
always the possibility that more than one program will use a
specific file at the same time. No harm is done if both programs
read the same file. However, if any of them, or even both, is
modifying the file, the file will most likely be damaged.
The solution, is file-sharing. In order to make file-sharing
work, SHARE has to be loaded, and all participating programs
should be share aware. DVCopy does.
If a task which is not share-aware is being used, and is trying
to write to any of the files DVCopy uses, DOS will deny its
write-request. Share-aware program would recognize the reason DOS
doesn't let it write into the file, and act accordingly (wait). A
non share-aware program would recognize the write-deny as error,
and warn you about this, or even quit (depends on the program).
DVCopy uses the following sharing-modes on the following files:
- Original-File reading
When DVCopy opens the original file, it will open it for read
purpose only, so other programs, who needs to read-only this file
will be able to do so. If the original file is already opened,
and access to it is denied, DVCopy will wait until access is
- Destination-File writing
When DVCopy opens the destination file, it will open it for write
purpose only. It will also make sure other programs will not be
able to access this file AT ALL.
NOTE: When DVCopy recognizes a file which is locked (by other
program that supports SHARE, and is using that file at the same
time) it will wait 1 second, and retry. If after 15 retries the
file is still locked, it will continue with the next file.
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DVCopy 1.01 DESQview Aware Copy Utility (c) 1991-92, YossiWare
A good demonstration of the file sharing can be done in the
following way:
Copy files using DVCopy from Directory A to Directory B, and on
the other task, copy using DVCopy the same file from Directory B
to Directory C. You will see how the second copy of DVCopy (Task
2) will wait until access to the file is free.
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DVCopy 1.01 DESQview Aware Copy Utility (c) 1991-92, YossiWare
³ 5.0 ³°°° FLOPPY PROTECTION °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°³
This is probably the most appealing feature in DVCopy, its
ability to use floppy drives without causing DESQview to freeze.
DVCopy support 6 levels of protection, which provides you most
combinations you might want. The higher the protection level is,
the slower floppies will work, and the better DESQview will
perform. Here is a brief list of the protection levels, and
- Protection Level 0
Provides no protection to floppies. Use this if, for any reason,
you don't want DVCopy ever protect DESQview from slowness.
- Protection Level 1
Provides minimal, even too-minimal protection. If the CPU is
100% busy, speed will decrease in 30% maximum (i.e. Total
copying time will be 130%, if regular COPY is 100%). DVCopy will
not try to keep DESQview running all time, but will drop it some
power from time to time.
- Protection Level 2
Provides poor protection. If the CPU is 100% busy, speed will
decrease in 50% maximum. Use this when using high-speed floppies
(usually 5.25"), when the computer is running unattended, and
there is no need for synchronized operation (i.e. NOT while
transferring files via a modem or a serial port).
- Protection Level 3
Provides standard protection. If the CPU is 100% busy, speed will
decrease in 55% maximum. It will attempt to keep DESQview running
all the time. Can be used on regular speed (2400BPS) transfers,
or high-speed transfers, if buffered UART is used (i.e. FIFO
NS16550AFN). DVCopy 0.20 used this mechanism of protection.
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DVCopy 1.01 DESQview Aware Copy Utility (c) 1991-92, YossiWare
- Protection Level 4
This provides a combination between Level 3 to level 5 protection
(which will be discussed later on). If the CPU is 100% busy,
speed will decrease in 92% maximum. Will keep DESQview running.
Recommended when copying-speed is not critical. On slow drives
(3.5" usually) will work better than Level 3.
- Protection Level 5
This level provides top-protection. It is very likely you will
not even notice any speed reduces. On a 100% busy CPU, will slow
down the system in 146%. Is recommended when running many tasks,
and / or DESQview requires synchronized time-slices
(file-transfer, BBS, etc). Use this level when DESQview speed is
really important, and copying speed is not critical. This
protection level will continuously give DESQview power, and not
in bunches.
DVCopy will use the protection level that is set using DSETUP,
as default. You may override this default by setting an
environment variable, called DVCOPY, which will contain the new
protection level. An invalid value in the DVCOPY environment
variable will cause DVCopy to use the default protection level,
which was set in DSETUP (I.E. SET DVCOPY=2) will change
protection level to 2.
Using the command-line switch will override the default (DSETUP)
AND Environment variable (I.E. DVCOPY /0 ... would force no
floppy protection). Refer to section 3.1 for complete list of all
command-line switches.
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DVCopy 1.01 DESQview Aware Copy Utility (c) 1991-92, YossiWare
³ 6.0 ³°°° TRADEMARKS °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°³
The following are trademarks, registered trademarks and efforts
of their authors (alphabetical order):
4DOS Rex Conn, J.P. Software.
DESQview Quarterdeck Office Systems.
MS-DOS Microsoft Corp.
NDOS Symantec Corp.
HyperDisk HyperWare.
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DVCopy 1.01 DESQview Aware Copy Utility (c) 1991-92, YossiWare
³ 7.0 ³°°° HOW TO CONTACT US °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°³
FidoNet: Yossi Gottlieb, 2:403/139.75.
DESQview Intl. Echo (DESQVIEW).
Internet: [email protected]
Support Boards:
(Israel) The Black Universe 2:403/139.0@fidonet
+972-3-9665202, 14.4k v32b/v42b/MNP10
+972-3-9665257, 2400 MNP5
+972-3-9673803, 2400 MNP5
24 Hours a day.
Sysop: Saar Blitz.
(Israel) Triple D BBS 2:403/123.0@fidonet
+972-8-476549, 14.4k HST/v32b/v42b
24 Hours a day.
Sysop: Roy Udassin.
(Holland) Multiline Paradise 2:512/100@fidonet
+31-1749-48422, 14.4k HST/v32b/v42b
+31-1749-48384, 2400MNP5
24 Hours a day.
Sysop: Reinier De Groot.
Amber Shadow BBS 1:203/988.0@fidonet
+1-916-742-5501, 14.4k HST/v32b/v42b
24 Hours a day.
Sysop: Dave Overton
Fre'qable from all using magic name DVCOPY.
(All nodes support Bark/WaZOO File Requests).
Also, latest version will be available on DVNet.
SnailMail Yossi Gottlieb
YossiWare Developments
11 Armonim St.
Ramat-Gan 52587
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Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: