Category : EmTeX is a TeX/LaTeX document editor
Archive   : LATEX.ZIP
Filename : BEZIER.DOC

Output of file : BEZIER.DOC contained in archive : LATEX.ZIP
% BEZIER DOCUMENT-STYLE OPTION - released 17 December 1985
% for LaTeX version 2.09
% Copyright (C) 1985 by Leslie Lamport

% In a picture environment, writing
% \bezier{N}(AX,AY)(BX,BY)(CX,CY)
% plots a quadratic Bezier curve from (AX,AY) to (CX,CY), with (BX,BY)
% as the third Bezier point, using N+1 equally spaced points.
% \bezier{N}(AX,AY)(BX,BY)(CX,CY) ==
% @sc := N
% @scp := @sc+1
% \@xb := 2 * (BX - AX) * \unitlength
% \@xa := ((CX-AX)*\unitlength - \@xb)/@sc
% \@yb := 2 * (BY - AY) * \unitlength
% \@ya := ((CY-AY)*\unitlength - \@yb)/@sc
% \@pt := square rule of width \@wholewidth
% @t := 0
% WHILE @t < @scp
% DO \@x := ((@t*\@xa + @xb) / @sc) * t
% \@y := ((@t*\@ya + @yb) / @sc) * t
% plot pt with relative coords (\@x,\@y)
% @t := @t+1
% OD


\c@@scp\c@@sc \advance\c@@scp\@ne
\@xb #4\unitlength \advance\@xb -#2\unitlength \multiply\@xb \tw@
\@xa #6\unitlength \advance\@xa -#2\unitlength
\advance\@xa -\@xb \divide\@xa\c@@sc
\@yb #5\unitlength \advance\@yb -#3\unitlength \multiply\@yb \tw@
\@ya #7\unitlength \advance\@ya -#3\unitlength
\advance\@ya -\@yb \divide\@ya\c@@sc
\setbox\@pt\hbox{\vrule height\@halfwidth depth\@halfwidth
{\@x\c@@t\@xa \advance\@x\@xb \divide\@x\c@@sc \multiply\@x\c@@t
\@y\c@@t\@ya \advance\@y\@yb \divide\@y\c@@sc \multiply\@y\c@@t
\raise \@y \hbox to \z@{\hskip \@x\unhcopy\@pt\hss}%

% of commands of the type specified below, does the following,
% where t, dt, dx, and dy are counters,
% t := 0
% dt := DT
% dx := 0
% dy := 0
% DO plot the point (X + (dx/SCALE)), Y + (dy/SCALE))
% t := t + dt
% execute COMMANDS
% OD
% COMMANDS may include only the commands \set, \add, \mul, or \div,
% defined as follows, where
% CTR == counter name,
% VAL == either an integer (like 2145 or -7), or
% \value{CTR'}, where CTR' a counter name, or
% -\value{CTR'}
% \set{CTR}{VAL}
% This command performs the operation CTR := VAL
% \add{CTR}{VAL}
% Performs the operation CTR := CTR + VAL
% \mul{CTR}{VAL}
% Performs the operation CTR := CTR * VAL
% \div{CTR}{VAL}
% Performs the operation CTR := CTR / VAL
% (this is integer division, with 5/3 = 1 and
% -5/3 = 5/(-3) = -1)
% There should be no spaces in COMMANDS. However, the command \ can
% be used for readabiilty--e.g.,
% \set{foo}{dt}\ \mul{foo}{3}
% \plot'ing takes a long time, so start with DT large, and make it
% small only for the final draft.

%\def\set#1#2{\csname c@#1\endcsname#2}
%\def\@div#1#2{\divide\csname c@#1\endcsname#2}
%\def\mul#1#2{\multiply\csname c@#1\endcsname#2}
%\def\add#1#2{\advance\csname c@#1\endcsname#2}

%\def\plot#1#2#3#4{\let\div\@div \def\ {}\c@t\z@ \c@t\z@
% \c@dt#1\c@dx\z@ \c@dy\z@\edef\@tempa{#4}\@tempdima\unitlength
% \divide\@tempdima #3\relax
% \setbox\@pt\hbox{\vrule height\@halfwidth depth\@halfwidth
% width\@wholewidth}\@whilenum{\c@t<#2}\do
% {\raise \c@dy\@tempdima \hbox to \z@{\hskip \c@dx\@tempdima
% \unhcopy\@pt\hss
% }\advance\c@t\c@dt\@tempa}}


  3 Responses to “Category : EmTeX is a TeX/LaTeX document editor
Archive   : LATEX.ZIP
Filename : BEZIER.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: