Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : VGAKIT60.ZIP
Filename : SVGA640.ASM

Output of file : SVGA640.ASM contained in archive : VGAKIT60.ZIP


; VGAKIT Version 6.0
; Copyright 1988,89,90,91,92,93,94 John Bridges
; Free for use in commercial, shareware or freeware applications
extrn cirrus:byte,everex:byte,paradise:byte,tseng:byte,trident:byte
extrn t8900:byte,ativga:byte,aheada:byte,aheadb:byte
extrn oaktech:byte,video7:byte,chipstech:byte,tseng4:byte,genoa:byte
extrn ncr:byte,compaq:byte,acumos:byte,vesa:byte

extrn maxx:word,maxy:word,scanline:word,ourseg:word

public svga640
extrn mkadrtbl:proc,txtmode:proc,setmany:proc,vesaset:proc

svga640 proc ;Set 640x480x256 on most SVGA cards
mov [ourseg],0a000h
mov ax,640
mov [maxx],ax ;default width to 640 for now
mov [scanline],ax

cmp [vesa],0
jz novs
mov bx,101h
call vesaset
jmp godo2
novs: cmp [compaq],0
jz nocp
mov [scanline],1024
mov ax,2eh
jmp godo
nocp: cmp [genoa],0
jz nogn
mov ax,5ch
jmp godo
nogn: cmp [ncr],0
jz noncr
mov ax,5fh
jmp godo
noncr: cmp [oaktech],0
jz noak
mov ax,53h
jmp short godo
noak: cmp [aheada],0
jnz skp
cmp [aheadb],0
jz noab
skp: mov ax,61h
jmp short godo
noab: cmp [everex],0
jz noev
mov ax,70h
mov bl,30h
jmp short godo
noev: cmp [ativga],0
jz noati
mov ax,62h
jmp short godo
noati: cmp [trident],0
jz notr
mov ax,5dh
jmp short godo
notr: cmp [video7],0
jz nov7
mov ax,6f05h
mov bl,67h
jmp short godo
nov7: cmp [chipstech],0
jz noct
mov ax,79h
jmp short godo
noct: cmp [acumos],0
jnz dopd
cmp [paradise],0
jz nopd
dopd: mov ax,5fh
jmp short godo
nopd: cmp [tseng],0
jz nots
mov ax,2eh
godo: int 10h

godo2: mov ax,40h
mov es,ax
mov al,es:[84h] ;get height of screen
inc al
mul byte ptr es:[85h]
mov [maxy],ax
call mkadrtbl
nots: ret
svga640 endp


  3 Responses to “Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : VGAKIT60.ZIP
Filename : SVGA640.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: